Stadtmuseum Rapperswil-Jona

Visit / 12 ส.ค. 2020

Story and Photos : Asst.Prof. Kamon Jirapong, Ph.D.
Content: Brochure – 800 Years of Town History and Culture, Stadtmuseum Rapperswil-Jona
Computer 3D Models & Hand Sketchs: Brochure – JANUS

ASA CREW x Switzerland Tourism

Switzerland Tourism invited media partners specializing in architecture to promote architectural tourist places in Switzerland. On this occasion, ASA CREW visited three cities, Zurich, Rapperswil-Jona and Winterthur, in September 2019. Here is the photo diary of selected architectures from the trip. This might inspire architecture lovers to visit Switzerland.

The Stadtmuseum Rapperswil-Jona presents 800 years of town history and culture in a unique ensemble of buildings. The distinctive newly constructed “Janus” building with its perforated façade in architectural bronze is the hallmark of the museum. It serves as the entry foyer and connects the two historic buildings. It’s impressive interior features clear lines and a refined transmission of light. In 2011, the online platform Swiss-Architects recognized “Janus” as the building of the year.

The Breny House, a stately townhouse erected in 1492, transports you to bygone days. Preserved in its original condition, the building contains a number of atmospheric rooms, the most impressive of which is the large banquet room with its whimsical wall paintings. The entire ensemble is dominated by the mighty tower from the 14th century.

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